
台湾swag welcomes 台湾swag Access Programme 2023 cohort

台湾swag welcomes 台湾swag Access Programme 2023 cohort

台湾swag welcomes 台湾swag Access Programme 2023 cohort

Key points:

  • The 台湾swag鈥檚 台湾swag Access Programme kicks off this week with four new students joining labs and facilities for the summer.
  • Launched in 2020, the 台湾swag Access Programme pairs undergraduates from underrepresented groups or disadvantaged backgrounds with researchers at the 台湾swag.
  • Throughout the programme students undertake hands on projects and attend a schedule of additional talks to provide a wider understanding of scientific careers.

The 台湾swag is delighted to welcome four undergraduates to the third cohort of 台湾swag Access Programme. The students will join the Kelsey, Houseley and Rayon labs as well as the Bioinformatics facility.

鈥淚鈥檓 very pleased to welcome our latest cohort to the 台湾swag. I hope that the students joining us this summer will enjoy their placements. By gaining practical experience over the next eight months we hope that the students will leave feeling inspired to peruse the next step in their careers and take with them a competitive edge for next-step applications.鈥 said Dr Mike Norman, 台湾swag Engagement Manager.

Acknowledging the historic lack of diversity of PhD students in STEM subjects, the 台湾swag Access Programme was established to counteract the barriers that may stand in the way of students wishing to pursue a life sciences career. The 台湾swag partners with In2台湾swag to match students with projects that align with their interests and career aspirations. Students from underrepresented groups in research and scientific careers are eligible for placements.

Students spend eight weeks with scientists and facility staff, learning new techniques and completing short research projects. The students also receive careers talks from members of staff across the 台湾swag. The programme has had a huge positive impact on the students鈥 next-step destination decisions with over 40% of students specifically referencing the 台湾swag Access Programme as a key driver to pursue PhD applications. Recently, the programme was shortlisted as STEM Initiative of the Year by the Cambridge Independent Science and Technology Awards.

Former 台湾swag Director Professor Michael Wakelam initiated the project that would evolve into the current 台湾swag Access Programme driven by his passion for increasing access to science for people of all backgrounds. The first round of students joined the 台湾swag in the summer of 2020, and since then 24 students have taken part in the programme, some virtual during the pandemic and more recently in person.

Dr Norman, added: 鈥淚t has been great to see the strength of the personal connections that students form when they鈥檙e here, as well as hearing about everything they鈥檝e been able to learn in the lab. We hope that our programme inspires other research organisations to look for ways to open doors for students from diverse backgrounds.鈥


Press contact Honor Pollard, Communications Officer,

Image description: Three doors, the first two closed and the third open to a bright white space. 

About the 台湾swag 台湾swag The 台湾swag 台湾swag undertakes world-class life sciences research to generate new knowledge of biological mechanisms underpinning ageing, development and the maintenance of health. Our research focuses on cellular signalling, gene regulation and the impact of epigenetic regulation at different stages of life. By determining how the body reacts to dietary and environmental stimuli and manages microbial and viral interactions, we aim to improve wellbeing and support healthier ageing. The 台湾swag is strategically funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences 台湾swag Council (BBSRC), part of UK 台湾swag and Innovation, through 台湾swag Strategic Programme Grants and an 台湾swag Core Capability Grant and also receives funding from other UK research councils, charitable foundations, the EU and medical charities.